
receive receive() external

Is executed on a call to the contract with empty calldata. This is the function that is executed on plain Ether transfers, so validator or schain owner can use usual transfer ether to recharge wallet.

refundGasByValidator refundGasByValidator(uint256 validatorId, address payable spender, uint256 spentGas) external

Reimburse gas for node by validator wallet. If validator wallet has not enough funds the node will receive the entire remaining amount in the validator’s wallet. validatorId - validator that will reimburse desired transaction spender - address to send reimbursed funds spentGas - amount of spent gas that should be reimbursed to desired node

Emits a NodeRefundedByValidator event.

Requirements: - Given validator should exist

refundGasByValidatorToSchain refundGasByValidatorToSchain(uint256 validatorId, bytes32 schainHash) external

Returns the amount owed to the owner of the chain by the validator, if the validator does not have enough funds, then everything that the validator has will be returned to the owner of the chain.

refundGasBySchain refundGasBySchain(bytes32 schainHash, address payable spender, uint256 spentGas, bool isDebt) external

Reimburse gas for node by schain wallet. If schain wallet has not enough funds than transaction will be reverted. schainHash - schain that will reimburse desired transaction spender - address to send reimbursed funds spentGas - amount of spent gas that should be reimbursed to desired node isDebt - parameter that indicates whether this amount should be recorded as debt for the validator

Emits a NodeRefundedBySchain event.

Requirements: - Given schain should exist - Schain wallet should have enough funds

withdrawFundsFromSchainWallet withdrawFundsFromSchainWallet(address payable schainOwner, bytes32 schainHash) external

Withdraws money from schain wallet. Possible to execute only after deleting schain. schainOwner - address of schain owner that will receive rest of the schain balance schainHash - schain wallet from which money is withdrawn

Requirements: - Executable only after initializing delete schain

withdrawFundsFromValidatorWallet withdrawFundsFromValidatorWallet(uint256 amount) external

Withdraws money from validator wallet. amount - the amount of money in wei

Requirements: - Validator must have sufficient withdrawal amount

getSchainBalance getSchainBalance(bytes32 schainHash) → uint256 external

getValidatorBalance getValidatorBalance(uint256 validatorId) → uint256 external

rechargeValidatorWallet rechargeValidatorWallet(uint256 validatorId) public

Recharge the validator wallet by id. validatorId - id of existing validator.

Emits a ValidatorWalletRecharged event.

Requirements: - Given validator must exist

rechargeSchainWallet rechargeSchainWallet(bytes32 schainHash) public

Recharge the schain wallet by schainHash (hash of schain name). schainHash - id of existing schain.

Emits a SchainWalletRecharged event.

Requirements: - Given schain must be created

initialize initialize(address contractsAddress) public

ValidatorWalletRecharged ValidatorWalletRecharged(address sponsor, uint256 amount, uint256 validatorId) event

Emitted when the validator wallet was funded

SchainWalletRecharged SchainWalletRecharged(address sponsor, uint256 amount, bytes32 schainHash) event

Emitted when the schain wallet was funded

NodeRefundedByValidator NodeRefundedByValidator(address node, uint256 validatorId, uint256 amount) event

Emitted when the node received a refund from validator to its wallet

NodeRefundedBySchain NodeRefundedBySchain(address node, bytes32 schainHash, uint256 amount) event

Emitted when the node received a refund from schain to its wallet